
Category: Working with students
Front cover of book Grief and Prolonged Grief Disorder with outline image of man on one knee talking to a small child

Front cover of book Grief and Prolonged Grief Disorder with outline image of man on one knee talking to a small childBook review - Navigating the Journey of Grief

A review of Grief and Prolonged Grief Disorder by Reynolds et al. (2024)
20 Jun 2024
Neurodiversity Celebration Week banner saying "We're participating"

Neurodiversity Celebration Week banner saying "We're participating"Pathological Demand Avoidance, Demand Avoidance or Pervasive Drive for Autonomy?

It's Neurodiversity Celebration Week - time to rethink labelling?
18 Mar 2024
Headshot of Sanya

Headshot of SanyaSupporting anxious minds

For Uni Mental Health Day 2024, UMHAN member, and Specialist Mental Health Mentor, Sanya Saleem shares her thoughts on supporting anxious students.
12 Mar 2024
Speech bubble saying "We need you" with #IChoseToDisclose

Speech bubble saying "We need you" with #IChoseToDiscloseUni Mental Health Day 2024 - I Chose To Disclose

For Uni Mental Health Day 2024, UMHAN Charity Manager, Sam Gamblin, shares why we are relaunching our I Chose To Disclose campaign.
12 Mar 2024
Photo of Evie's reflection in a window with a backdrop of city lights

Photo of Evie's reflection in a window with a backdrop of city lightsMy experience accessing mental health support at university

It was game-changing for me when I disclosed my illness to the uni – the first step to being able to thrive in education.
22 Nov 2023
Photo of Jay with pink quiff!

Photo of Jay with pink quiff!Experiences of a Mental Health Practitioner with ADHD

UMHAN member Jay shares his insight into ADHD after being diagnosed at 30.
11 Jul 2023
Person on scaffolding

Person on scaffoldingRegulation and the safety of students

"One of the most dangerous places we can find ourselves is over promising on what we can deliver"
26 Jun 2023

LogoUni Mental Health Day 2023 - introducing Clinical Governance

UMHAN Trustee Phil Scarffe outlines the student mental health landscape in 2023, and crucial elements of our new guidance.
8 Mar 2023

LogoPositive Digital Practices - using Positive Learner materials

Welcome to the first of three upcoming blog posts on using materials from the Positive Digital Practices project!
30 Jan 2023
Headshot of Cathy with trees and fields behind

Headshot of Cathy with trees and fields behind"It's a process of learning and growing."

Specialist Mentor and UMHAN member Cathy Bleach, gives us an insight into her career path and life as a Mentor in higher education today.
18 Oct 2022
Mutli-coloured pencils lined up on blue paper

Mutli-coloured pencils lined up on blue paperDisparity in support for students needs addressing

We support the Association of Colleges in their call for equal funding for all students at every level of their education journey.
21 Jul 2022

"I’m watching students blossom when they think they can’t get there and it’s a great feeling."

Independent Mentor Hazel, talks about her role, how her career has progressed and the things she loves most about working in student mental health.
6 May 2022
Black and white photo of Taylor smiling

Black and white photo of Taylor smilingTaylor's story

Support at a small and specialist campus - "I was made to feel at ease in an educational world I didn’t know I would ever be ready for."
5 Apr 2022

"I envisaged I would be helping with students missing home or stressed about exams"

Long-standing UMHAN member Ashley describes her surprise at the complexity when she first became a Mental Health Adviser.
7 Feb 2022

"Mentoring has helped me be my best self "

Student feedback for member Helen shows what a huge impact mentoring can have on students.
8 Nov 2021

Clear messaging for early return to campus

Members report anxiety around returning to campus for students with MH conditions.
22 Mar 2021

Developing school mental health services

UMHAN's response to the Early Day Motion 943 Funding for school counselling services
17 Nov 2020

A little book with a lot to give: A Review of Stay Balanced While You Study by Dr Dominique Thompson

This review was written by Specialist MH Mentor Lauren Weaving.
26 Oct 2020

Book review: Helping Penguins to Swim Edited by Karisa Krčmář

This e-book was reviewed by a UMHAN mentor member.
14 Sep 2020

Student mental health in the time of COVID-19

Our guest blog post is written by Lucian Milasan and Ed Griffin from DMU.
9 Sep 2020

UMHAN's response to Office for Students' Briefing "Supporting Students Mental Health"

Our new blog post supports the points made in the briefing, and underlines the vital importance of work by our members.
4 May 2020

Providing and accessing remote support

Advice for students about accessing their continuing MH support from University, and for staff providing this.
17 Mar 2020


5th March 2020 is the 12th Uni Mental Health Day
5 Mar 2020

Book review: The Student Guide to Mindfulness by David Mair

This new book was reviewed by a UMHAN member.
3 Dec 2019

Working with students who identify across the gender spectrum

Article by Claire Gregor - Reviewed by Aine Bradley and Donna Lee Norton
18 Oct 2017

Supporting Students With Experience of Sexual Violence

Lisa Brooks-Lewis, Mental Health Manager, talks about her experience developing policies and training on the topic of sexual violence.
7 Jul 2017

UMHAN Training: Behavioural Intervention Teams

On November 25th, UMHAN organised a free training day for members.
6 Dec 2016
University Mental Health Advisers Network (UMHAN). c/o The Moseley Exchange, 149-153 Alcester Road, Moseley, Birmingham B13 8JP Tel: 07510 734544 Registered charity number: 1155038. We use cookies to improve your experience using this website.
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