Recommended by UMHAN members, this accredited risk management training will be delivered by The Association for Psychological Therapies. It is aimed at Mental Health and Wellbeing staff working in education who already have an understanding of risk assessment.

This training course may be useful for Scottish Student Mental Health Agreements, University Mental Health Charter submissions/assessments, to evidence good risk management to external bodies, for the Association of Colleges Mental Health and Wellbeing Charter.



31st August 2023, 9.30-4.30

•Start at 9:30am

•Coffee 11:15am

•Lunch, 45 minutes, starting anytime between 12:30 and 1pm (please bring your own, or buy on campus)

•Tea 2:30pm

•Finish 4:30pm


Glasgow Caledonian University,  seminar room 1 in the George Moore building

About the training

The DICES® Risk Assessment and Management System for mental health and related areas.

This exciting Risk Assessment and Management System is designed for use by whole services and organisations, and is used by over 6,000 mental health professionals.

This empowering course will give you best-practice tools to recognise, assess and manage risks including: suicide, self-neglect, violence and sexual assault. This training gives you APT accreditation in the DICES® System for 3 years, access to online resources similarly, and is easily renewable.

This tailored training is aimed at Mental Health and Wellbeing staff who already have an understanding of risk assessment and will cover modules on:

Risk Management

  • Definition and description of risk management: once you have noticed a risk, you need to do everything you can to prevent it happening.
  • Options for managing risk – (a) where there is a risk of harm to self, (b) where there is a risk of harm to others (possibly including you or other professionals), (c) where there are multiple risks.
  • The DICES risk management checklists, listing the key areas you are expected to address.
  • A worked example of risk management.

Demonstrating the risk has been assessed and managed competently.

  • Assessing risk and managing risk are both vital, but you also have to demonstrate that you have done it well: using the DICES® acronym for this.
  • Whose benefit is this for - the professional, the patient, the organisation, all of those?
  • The limits of risk assessment and management: your duty now to provide timely and effective treatment if possible.

Teaching methods.

  • Exercises: Real Life case examples and how you would respond.
  • Video.
  • Lecture and discussion.
  • Small group exercises and quizzes.

What this course will do for you:

  • It will provide you with the DICES® checklists, effectively enabling you to become 'instant experts' on risks around: Suicide; Self-Neglect and Vulnerability; Violence; Sexual Assault.
  • You will have checklists covering risks specifically applicable to older people, children and adolescents, and people who misuse mood-altering substances. Also a screening checklist, to assess whether any at all of the above are relevant in a specific case.
  • You will have a simple and empowering definition of risk management, and know how to manage risk in the best ways possible. You will know where the risk management traps are, and how to avoid them.
  • You will be able to demonstrate that you have assessed and managed risk to the highest standards, and that you maintain risk assessment and management habits that are up to 'best practice' standards.
  • You will be registered at APT as having attended the course, and receive a certificate to acknowledge your APT-Accreditation and registration.

What you receive as a result of attending the training:

You will gain APT's Level 1 accreditation, and receive a certificate to this effect. It is this accreditation that gives you access to the important online resources (notably the checklists) associated with the course.

You will be eligible to sit an online exam to uprate your accreditation to Level 2 if you wish, at no extra cost.

Your registration lasts indefinitely, and your accreditation lasts for 3 years and is renewable by sitting an online refresher which also upgrades your accreditation to APT Level 2 if you are successful in the associated online exam.


Member price - Early bird (before 187/7) £225; £235 after 17/7

Non-member bookings - £240

Book tickets

You cannot book tickets for past events.

University Mental Health Advisers Network (UMHAN). c/o The Moseley Exchange, 149-153 Alcester Road, Moseley, Birmingham B13 8JP Tel: 07510 734544 Registered charity number: 1155038. We use cookies to improve your experience using this website.
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